Long long ago above the clouds of Aotearoa lived Maui and the gods, and among them was Taiaroa Porima Flavell, tamaiti or son of Tane Mahuta and god of the land. Taina Te Ngahue taukine or sister of Mauri, goddess of wisdom and Manawa Rakate, whaea or mother of Maui and goddess of love.
One day Taiaroa and Taina got into a fight about who was toughest. (of course Taiaroa was) Taina clutched Manawa's taiaha as Taiaroa clutched his and they battled for three days and three nights until finally Taiaroa knocked down Taina and claimed his victory.
Manawa was outraged at what Taiaroa had done and knocked him out of the clouds with her taiaha and hurdled down after him. She smashed him down and made a harbour, then she ripped off his head, planted it next to him and let him sink down to the depths of the ocean.
So now if you glimpse over at Taiaroa's head you will know how and why Taiaroa Porima Flavell's head was planted there. It is there to remind people not to be big headed.
Kia ora mō tō kōrero tino pai, Taiaroa!! There is a good lesson in your story for all of us! Mum