It was an early summers day in Antarctica I was chatting away to my mates and sniffing the misty morning air, in the distance i saw some icebergs rocking away. My mates were discussing why the females get to eat first all the time. I was just relaxing while i was listening to the peace and tranquility of the vast nothingness.
"ooohh" look some tasty fish this day just got better, caught one, two , three fish ! "lets go back and relax" but something was on my iceberg, it was a large rock, wait a minute it wasn't there when i dove in was it? thats weird like a penguin trying to eat a Kina. It started to move oh no i have a woken a sleeping giant.
Suddenly the camouflaged rocks begin move and started to surround me. They crept closer and closer. I was starting to get scared looking up at the seal's razor sharp fangs dripping with other penguins blood. Then as it came almost to an end I remembered the jump my friends and I had been building, I leapt for the takeoff and soon realized that I hadn't build the rest of the slide, as quick as lightening i flew down the track and jumped off the ramp out into the air like a bee, a plane, a bird (not a penguin of course) and Bellyflopped to safety in the icy water.
We liked how you kind of brought the penguins to life!!! Like cartoon characters. It was very descriptive; like how the characters had feelings and how they could talk!!!