How Shags nest
Shags often nest in small colonies. Shags nest on rocky cliff edges, sea caves, & open seas.
Shags can have up too six eggs at one time,
Shags are also strong defenders they will fight back against its opponent by thrusting their beak at the attacker & screaming at it.
Shags natural features
A Shag has a long beak for catching fish and mainly sand eels. Their webbed feet and wings are for swimming and
their wings are also for flying. their height is 66-81 cm.
Human Impact
Lots of Shags die because of long lines,fishing,the oil spill,dumping waste and poo-lution
Were They Live
They live around the coasts of brighton, mainly the north &west.
Shags rivals
A Shag has enemy's including seal,sea lion,sea leopard and a shark they eat sand eels and fish.
Movement: Flying & swimming
respiration: A shag is a bird so it breathes airs
sensitivity:it doesn't like sharks, seals, it likes eating fish & sand eels.
Growth:it grows by eating fish and sand eels
reproduction:it's baby's come out of excretion hole and in eggs
excretion: white liquid stuff comes out it's rare end
nutrition: it eats fish and mostly sand eels.
Made by: Tyrone, Taylor, & Jaedon.