Room 13 have been learning about production lines for our inquiry over the last fortnight. We learnt that one tiny mess up in at the start could impact hugely on the final product. We also learnt that each organisation on the market would have a special department for each section of the product. Within those departments they would have specialists taught to make the best sub-section of that product to the best quality avaliable. The advantages of using a production line to make these paper planes was that it was faster, more efficient and made a better quality finished product. Here are some photos of our paper planes while in the production line.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Production lines
Room 13 have been learning about production lines for our inquiry over the last fortnight. We learnt that one tiny mess up in at the start could impact hugely on the final product. We also learnt that each organisation on the market would have a special department for each section of the product. Within those departments they would have specialists taught to make the best sub-section of that product to the best quality avaliable. The advantages of using a production line to make these paper planes was that it was faster, more efficient and made a better quality finished product. Here are some photos of our paper planes while in the production line.
On St Clair Hills
High on St Clair hills
The wind and rain around us
Seagulls squawking in the sea
Trying to eat you and me
Seals glazing on the beach
People climbing up and down the sand dunes
People walking down the beach
people coming near and far to see
Up on the hills we can see
People walking talking everywhere
Hills looking like crashing waves
Ready to land in the sea
White Island way out at sea
Looking like a whale breaching the surface
Walter so salty so blue
like the hot salt water pool
Where i know it's safe from predators
St clair poem
High on the hill of st Clair,
nice views of the rolling waves,
crashing and splashing againsted the sea wall.
I walk around to seconds beach,
I hope the cliffs don't fall,
I walk and talk about the hills,
I'm not scared any more
The life boats swim and swim out to save someone,
the waves crash up againsted the point like kid jumping,
in a puddles.
I jump up and down the sand dunes, as it erodes even more,
a person told me that's a no no don't do that any more.
St Clair Sands
The St Clair poles loom over the water
The wind howls in my face
As seagulls beg for food on the esplanade.
The shark bell stands still.
The esplanade lights up at night
As the smell of pies from pixie pastry wafters
Seconds beach tucked away

The salt water pool untouched all winter
As waves crash against the sea wall.
Yellow eyed penguins waddle along the endless beaches

Car scream down the esplanade
Horses trot along the dusty racecourse.
The seals sunbathe all day long
Dogs bark at cars rushing down the road.
By James McPherson
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Animal Cruelty
Do you think that it is right to kill animals just for a bone or some skin? THIS HAS TO STOP before they become extinct. Some people kill animals just for a tusk and skin.Some men just leave the animals lying dead on the ground roting away.
CAGE'S: bird's should not be allowed to be keeped in cage's because god has given bird's wing's so they can fly but if they are keeped in cage's they can not fly so bird's should not be allowed to be keeped in cage's.
HUNTING: You should not be allowed to shoot animals just for fun, if you shoot an animal you have to eat it.
In Conclusion tiger's should not die for a bone or skin elephant's should not be killed for a tusk this has to STOP!!!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Animal Cruelty
Animal Cruelty
Did you know tigers get killed just for bones in their body. How would you like to be killed just for bones in your body and the rest go to waste? Cruelty is one fashion statement that we can all do without. Because animals have their rights but some people don 't seam to know that.
Get a fell for fur slam your fingers in a car door. (Anonymous, on the use of steel traps to capture fur-bearing animals.) Men don't even care they just sell the fur for MONEY!!! Poaching is a major sport and these are the animals that are suffering Tigers, Elephants, Leapords, Jaguars (Panthers) Animals have their rights.
God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages. I think some animals need to be in cages and some don't. Some that don't are Pigs, Birds. Some that do are
dangerous animals. Animals have their rights!!!
In conclusion =Tigers keep on getting killed for bones and fur, everyday in poaching they kill heaps of an animal then when most of that animal has gone they move onto another animal,most animals need to be let free fro cages.
By Olivia D-C
Animals welfare
Animal Welfare
Imagine you as a Ferret, you're nosing around and something hits you in the back, you feel drowsy and notice a blue dart hanging out of you're back and you hear laughter as you're eyes droop down. when you wake up you sight a shinning blade is powerfully swinging at your back you try to escape but before you can the knife makes contact with you're back.
They skin you and then either throw you out or give you to some ferocious dogs e.g Pitbulls or Rotweilers. The killers take you're skin to the black market and sell the skin to a fashion designer for a couple of notes.
Then the fashion designer will give it to a model who will treat it badly, like stretching it or at the end of a catwalk she might throw it into the crowd.If not the skin will be stored away and will never be used again, but if the model does throw it the person might take it home and use it as FURniture.Is it worth it?
Back to the black market, this time a hunter sells a live animal in a tiny cage for animals half it's size, a lab tester might buy it now for about $70-$150. The lab tester will now test sick experiments on this poor and innocent animal looking for pray, e.g new food or drinks or maybe even dishwashing liquid. this has to STOP.
In conclusion caught poachers should have to go jail, fur should only be treated as clothing only on it's original animals back and one of the worst, lab testing imagine you be forced to drink or eat food that could damage you're health which was once perfect.
As Sri Aurobindo told us "life is life whether in a cat, dog , or man. There is no difference between a cat or a man. The idea of difference is a human conception of a man's on advantage" Who's side are you on?
By Tyrone
Animal Abuse
Imagine if you were being skinned alive for your flesh. This needs to stop because other animals are going to be extinct.
Did you know that Elephants are only being killed for there tusks. Tigers are only being killed for there bones to be shown exhibits. Rhinos are only being killed because the hunters want there horns. Whales are being killed because people want there baleen, also dogsare being killed because some people want to use there their teeth as necklaces accessories and they are being killed in japan because the Japanesepeople eat the dogs meat. Could you imagine being killed and skinned alive, Animals Have Rights You Know.
Did you know that at the black market they cell tiger fur for about $50, They cell horse hair and skin for about $100, They cell leaped & panther skin and fur for about $100 too. Cruelty is a fashion statement that we can all live without. Could you imagine being killed and skinned alive, Animals Have Rights You Know.
Did you know that exotic birds are being kept in cages so are pigs & dogs. God loved birds and invented tree's ,man loved tree's and invented cages. Could you imagine being killed skinned alive, Animals Have Rights You Know.
In conclusion do you think it is nice to keep animals in cages or being killed for fashion accessories or using the bones of animals for being shown in exhibits just for fun, so think about that, what can you do to help? and who's side are you on?The killers side or our side?
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