Tuesday, June 29, 2010


How Shags nest

Shags often nest in small colonies. Shags nest on rocky cliff edges, sea caves, & open seas.

Shags can have up too six eggs at one time,

Shags are also strong defenders they will fight back against its opponent by thrusting their beak at the attacker & screaming at it.

Shags natural features

A Shag has a long beak for catching fish and mainly sand eels. Their webbed feet and wings are for swimming and

their wings are also for flying. their height is 66-81 cm.

Human Impact

Lots of Shags die because of long lines,fishing,the oil spill,dumping waste and poo-lution

Were They Live

They live around the coasts of brighton, mainly the north &west.

Shags rivals

A Shag has enemy's including seal,sea lion,sea leopard and a shark they eat sand eels and fish.

Movement: Flying & swimming

respiration: A shag is a bird so it breathes airs

sensitivity:it doesn't like sharks, seals, it likes eating fish & sand eels.

Growth:it grows by eating fish and sand eels

reproduction:it's baby's come out of excretion hole and in eggs

excretion: white liquid stuff comes out it's rare end

nutrition: it eats fish and mostly sand eels.

Made by: Tyrone, Taylor, & Jaedon.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The legend of Taiaroa's head

Long long ago above the clouds of Aotearoa lived Maui and the gods, and among them was Taiaroa Porima Flavell, tamaiti or son of Tane Mahuta and god of the land. Taina Te Ngahue taukine or sister of Mauri, goddess of wisdom and Manawa Rakate, whaea or mother of Maui and goddess of love.

One day Taiaroa and Taina got into a fight about who was toughest. (of course Taiaroa was) Taina clutched Manawa's taiaha as Taiaroa clutched his and they battled for three days and three nights until finally Taiaroa knocked down Taina and claimed his victory.

Manawa was outraged at what Taiaroa had done and knocked him out of the clouds with her taiaha and hurdled down after him. She smashed him down and made a harbour, then she ripped off his head, planted it next to him and let him sink down to the depths of the ocean.

So now if you glimpse over at Taiaroa's head you will know how and why Taiaroa Porima Flavell's head was planted there. It is there to remind people not to be big headed.


One day a long time ago Kiwa the friendly whale set of to see Tangaroa the sea god. On the way, he spotted the Taniwha arguing with the keeper of the island. They were two island brothers came together as one. ZOOM!!! Kiwa raced to Tangaroa as fast as a cheetah on land running on land to Tangaroa to report what happened. Mean while Tamure was fishing not far behind the island he was catching the Taniwha's favourite fish father blue cods.

The Taniwha raced towards Tamure for the fish until the island gets in his way."You can not eat the villagers food, because you can not find any yourself. " said the island keeper wisely ," yes I can " replied the Taniwha rudely.He charged at the island and BOOM!!! "If you don't let me past , I will break you apart!" threatened the Taniwha. The island chose not to move, and the Taniwha had flames dancing in his eyes so he charged then aims for the top. SMASH!!!

Years later, people now see the islands as Green and White off the St Kilda, Seconds beach and St Clair Coast.

Long long ago above the clouds of Aotearoa lived Maui gods, and among them was Taiaroa Porima Flavell, tamaiti or son of Tane Mahuta and god of the land, Taina Te Ngahue taukine or sister of Mauri, goddess of loveand Manawa Rakate, whaea or mother of Maui and goddess of wisdom.

One day Taiaroa and Taina got into a fight about who was toughest. ( of course Taiaroa was) Taina clutched Manawa's taiaha as Taiaroa clutched his and they battled for three days and three nights until finally Taiaroa knocked down Taina and claimed his victory.

Manawa was outraged at what Taiaroa had done and knocked him out of the clouds with her taiaha and hurdled down after him. She smashed him down and made a harbour, then she ripped off his head, planted it next to him and let him sink down to the depths of the ocean.

So now if you glimpse over at Taiaroa's head you will know how and why Taiaroa Porima Flavell's head was planted there

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

There once was a great Ngati Porou Chief named Taina Te Ngahue.
Traveling south for a Hui in Oeipoti with another chief called Manawa.
and on his travels he was told of an evil phsyco named Taiaroa and to watch out for his Taniwha.

When in Otepoti Taina was greeted by a kuia singing a waiata and young boys doing a haka.
When Manawa saw him it resulted in a hongi. (a traditional custom of rubbing the noses together) When Taina went to sleep he heard someone say "wheres the kumara.'' Taina awoke
and saw two Taniwha and a man with grey hair"Taiaroa"he mumbled. then the man looked straight at him his eyes glowing red. Taina picked up his Taiaha then the man vanished into thin air with an arm full of kumara the Taniwha escaping with a lot of kaimoana.

The next night at the Hui Taina told Manawa of Taiaroa and his Taniwha. So Manawa got his best warriors to hide in the kumara pit and a fleet of ten waka to look for the Taniwha. the men and the waka were never seen again. That night Taina went to the top of Otepotis highest mountain and prayed all night to Tangaroa god of the seas to capture and kill these Taniwha.
In the morning Taiaroa rode in on his Taniwha and slowly followed Manawa.
At noon warriors found Manawas headless body in his whare. Tangaroa replied to Taina in his sleep saying the Taniwha will be dead by morning. So Tangaroa rose from the sea and froze the
Taniwha into stone. Creating white island and green island Taina sent a message to Tuturangiwhiu to take up the responsibility of Manawas Tangi. meanwhile he would confront Taiaroa. when Taina got to the end of the peninsula and he heard a noise so he turned around and to his surprise Tuturangiwhiu was with his men and was carrying Taina's favourite Taiaha.
Tika tonu was being yelled in the distance Taina grabbed his Taiaha and got ready when a flurry of red lightning and dust was happening at the tip when Taiaroa was showing, Taina chopped off his head. Thats why at the end of the peninsula its called Taiaroa head.